The goal of chiropractic treatment is to restore or improve joint function. In doing so joint inflammation and pain will be reduced.

Chiropractic examination identifies spinal or limb joints with restricted mobility. Treatment restores the movement and function of these joints with the use of manual techniques. The most commonly used technique is a quick, short thrust made in a specific direction determined by the joint plane (this is known as an "adjustment"). Other techniques such as joint mobilisation may also be used. The affected joint is never taken beyond its normal physiological articular range of movement and the boundaries of anatomical integrity are not exceeded.

A common misconception is that chiropractors "put back in" misaligned vertebrae or joints that are somehow "out of place". This is not the case and it should be remembered that restoration of joint function is the aim of treatment. 


“Chiropractic care involves looking at the whole animal. Not only do we pay attention to joint function along the whole spine and limbs, but we consider how factors such as management and diet may be affecting our patients”